Malimbus 4 (1) May/mai 1982 |
Abstracts prepared for Recent Ornithological Literature (ROL)
Eyckerman, R., & D. Cuvelier. 1982. The moult of some bird species on Mount Cameroon. Malimbus 4: 1-4. (Lab. Oecol. der Dieren, Zoogeografie en Natuurbehoud, K.L. Ledeganckstr. 35, B 9000Gent, Belgium.)—Six species.
De Naurois, R. 1982. (Remarks concerning Buzzards (Buteo buteo spp.) observed in West Africa.] Malimbus 4: 5-8. (2 Allee des Daims, 91800 Bronoy, France.)—Possibly from Cape Verde Islands rather than Europe. (French, Eng. summ.)
Nicolai, J. 1982. [Behaviour, vocalizations and family affinities of the Mali Firefinch (Lagnosticta virata).] Malimbus 4: 9-14. (Inst. Vogelforschung, Vogelwarte Helgoland, 2940 Wilhelmshaven, FRG.)—(French, Eng. summ.)
Wilson, R. T. 1982. Environmental changes in western Dafur, Sudan, over half a century and their effects on selected bird species. Malimbus 4: 15-26. (B.P. 60, Bamako, Mali.)—Effects of climatic changes and man's activities.
Ruelle, P. J., & R. Semaille. 1982. [Note on the invasion of northern Senegal by the Golden Sparrow (Passer luteus) in the breeding season.] Malimbus 4: 27-32. (Projet FAO/GCP-RAF 126 (BEL), B.P. 1066 Dakar, Senegal.)—Breeding dates and movements. (French, Eng. summ.)
Hamza, M., et al. 1982. Evaluating the bird repellency of methiocarb. Malimbus 4: 33-41. (Dept. Plant Protect., Min. Agricul., Khartoum, Sudan.)—Encouraging results from various application methods.
Dyer, M., C. H. Fry, & J. A. Hendrick. 1982. Breeding of Black-headed Bee-eaters in Nigeria. Malimbus 4: 43-45. (Can. Wildl. Serv., Revelstoke, BC VOE 2S0, Can.)—Merops breweri.
Gartshore, M. E. 1982. Additions to local avifaunas: Zaria. Malimbus 4: 46-47. (606 Martins Rd., RR 3, Dundas, ON L9H 5E3, Can.)—Nigeria, 15 species.
Fry, C. H. 1982. Destruction of European White Storks in Nigeria by shooting. Malimbus 4: 47. (Dept. Zool., Aberdeen Univ., Aberdeen AB9 2TN, UK.)—Illegal shooting of Ciconia ciconia in winter quarters.
Wilkinson, R. 1982. A colour variant of Spreo pulcher at Kano, Nigeria. Malimbus 4: 49. (Dept. Biol.Sci., Bayero Univ., P.M.B. 3011, Kano, Nigeria.)
Fry, C. H. 1982. Spanish Black Kites in West Africa. Malimbus 4: 49. (Dept. Zool., Aberdeen Univ., Aberdeen AB9 2TN, UK.)—Milvus migrans recoveries.
Heaton, A. M. 1982. Bronze Manakins ‘flcatching’. Malimbus 4: 49. (Sevenoaks Wild. Res., Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3DH, UK.)—Lonchura cucullata.
Heaton, A. M. 1982. Out-of-season courtship by Black-faced Fire-Finch. Malimbus 4: 48. (Sevenoaks Wild. Res., Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3DH, UK.)—Estrilda larvata.
Wilkinson, R., & D. J. Aidley. 1982. The status of Savi's Warbler in Nigeria. Malimbus 4: 48.—Locustella luscinoides is regular, not a vagrant.