Malimbus 8(1) May/Mali 1986 |
Abstracts prepared for Recent Ornithological Literature (ROL)
Dyer, M., M.E. Gartshore, & R.E. Sharland. 1986. The birds of Nindam Forest Reserve, Kagoro, Nigeria. Malimbus 8: 2-20. (Chelinda, Nyika National Park, P.M.B. 6, Rumphi P.O., Malawi.)—187 species between 1976 and 1981, with seasonal distribution, abundance rating, status and habitat; also notes on the status of 40 stenotypic forest birds, including 4 new to Nigeria, and the weights and wing lengths of 32 species. Speculates as to whether this area represents a refugium.
Herroelen, P.1986. [The Caspian Tern Sterna caspia Pallas in the interior of Zaïre.] Malimbus 8: 21-22. (Postbus 64, B8400, Oostende, Belgium.)—3 records. (French)
Shull, B., M. Grettenberger, & J. Newby. 1986. Recent observations of birds in W National Park (Niger). Malimbus 8:23-24. (WWF Reprn. to Niger, B.P. 10933, Niamey, Rep. Niger.)—25 new species and new seasonal data on 101 species.
Crick, H.Q.P.1986. The "head-dip and flutter" display of Red throated Bee-eaters Merops bullocki. Malimbus 8: 40-42. (Trop. Dev. Res. Inst., Coll. Hse., Wrights Lane, London W8 5SJ, UK.)
Fry, C.H. 1986. First Yellow-billed Duck record for Nigeria. Malimbus 8: 43. (Dept. Biol., Sultan Qaboos Univ., PO Box 6281, Ruwi, Muscat, Sultantate of Oman.)—Anas undulata.
Demey, R.1986. Little Egrets and Reef Herons hovering. Malimbus 8: 43-44.(PNUD, B.P. 1747, Abidjan 01, Ivory Coast.)—Egretta garzetta and E. gularis.
Demey, R.1986. Two new species for Ivory Coast. Malimbus 8:44. (PNUD, B.P. 1747, Abidjan 01, Ivory Coast.)—Streptopelia turtur and Nectarinia reichenbachii.
Gray, H.H. 1986. Johanna's Sunbird in Nigeria. Malimbus 8: 44. (P.O. Box 30, Wukari, Gongola, Nigeria.)—Nectarinia johannae.
Shar1and, R.E. 1986. Ringing in Nigeria in 1985. Malimbus 8:44-45. (c/o Dr. H.Q.P. Crick, Trop. Dev. Res. Inst., CoIl. Hse., Wrights Lane, London W8 5SJ, UK.)—No ringing but 6 foreign-ringed birds recovered.