Malimbus 9 (2) December/décembre 1987 |
Abstracts prepared for Recent Ornithological Literature (ROL)
Skinner, J., et al. 1987. The status of heron colonies in the Inner Niger Delta Mali. Malimbus 9: 65-82. (IUCN, BP 91, Mopti, Mali.)—Surveys over 2 breeding seasons 1985-1987 showed ca. 87,000 breeding pairs of 16 species. Compares 4 methods of population estimation. Probably most important area in West Africa for breeding colonial waterbirds, but threatened.
Louette, M., & J. Prévost. [Passerines collected by J. Prévost in Cameroon.] Malimbus 9: 83-96. (Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, B-1980 Tervuren, Belgique.)—Measurements, weight, month, location and altitude of 150 passerine species taken 1973-4 plus the most easterly occurrence of Melignomen zenkeri. (French, Eng. summ.)
Moynihan, M. 1987. Notes on the behaviour of the Giant Kingfisher. Malimbus 9: 97-104. (Smithsonian Trop. Res. Inst., Apdo. 2072, Balboa, Panama.)—Ceryle maxima in 1976-7 & 1985 in Senegal & Gabon. Describes and analyses acoustic & visible signals, breeding & interspecific behaviour.
Walsh J.F. 1987. Records of birds seen in north-eastern Guinea in 1984-1985. Malimbus 9: 105-122. (c/o WHO Onchocerciasis Cont. Prog., BP 549, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.)—204 species including 28 Palaearctic migrant species.
Jensen, J.V., & J. Kirkeby. 198 7. Records of Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis in the Gambia. Malimbus 9: 123-4. (Skolebakken 5, OK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.)—This, and a reply by M.E.J. Gore, argue the different opinions in two books entitled "Birds of the Gambia" published by Jensen and Kirkeby (1980) and Gore (1981).
Carroll, R. W. & C. H. Fry. 1987. A range extension and probable breeding record of the Brown Nightjar (Caprimulgus bionatus Bonaparte) in southwestern Central African Republic. Malimbus 9: 125-127. (Yale Univ. Sch. Forest. & Env. Studies, 205 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511, USA.)
Swarth, C.W. 1987. First sight record of the Black-headed Gull for Cameroon, West Africa. Malimbus 9: 127-128. (Dep. Biol. Sci., Prince George’s Commun. Coll., Largo, MD 20772, USA.)—Larus ridibundus December 1985.
Walsh, J.F., S.A. Sowah & Y. Yamagata. 1987. Newly discovered colonies of the northern Carmine Bee-Eater Merops nubicus in Ghana and Togo. Malimbus 9: 129-130. (OMS/ONCHO, BP 36, Kara, Togo.)—9 colonies found during helicopter flights.
Irwin, M. P. S. 1987. What are the affinities of the Black-capped Apalis Apalis nigriceps? The need for field studies. Malimbus 9: 130-1. (3 Whitecairns Av., Hillside, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.)—Apalis or Eremomela or ?
Condamin, M. 1987. [Greater Sand Plover (Charadrius leschenaulti), a new species for Senegal.] Malimbus 9: 131-133. (IFAN, BP 206, Dakar, Senegal.)—(French..)
Skinner, J. 1987. [Additional information on Turtle Doves in the innundation zone of the Niger in Mali.] Malimbus 9: 133-134. (BP 91, Mopti, Mali.)—Many fewer Streptopelia turtur wintered 1984-87 than a decade previously, probably because reduced flooding prevented fruiting of wild rice. (French.)
Cheke, R. A. 1987. Sooty Shearwater - new to the Ivory Coast. Malimbus 9: 134. (Overs. Dev. Nat. Resourc. Inst., Coll. Hse., Wrights Lane, London W8 5SJ, UK.)—Procellaria grisea.
Wilkinson R., et al. 1987. Dybowski's Twinspots in the Kagoro Hills, Nigeria. Malimbus 9: 134. (N. of Eng. Zool. Soc., Chester Zoo, Upton-by-Chester, Chester, CH2 1LN, UK.)—Clytospiza dybowskii.