Malimbus 27 (2) October/octobre 2005 |
Abstracts prepared for Ornithological Worldwide Literature (OWL)
Angehr, G. R., et al. 2005. Significant records and annotated site lists from bird surveys in the Gamba Complex, Gabon. Malimbus 27: 53-76. (Smithsonian Trop. Res. Inst., Unit 0948, APO AA-34002-0948, USA.)—Documents ornithological aspects of a biodiversity study in 2001-2 of protected areas surrounding an important oil production facility, using auditory and visual surveys of all major habitats by day and night, including 11,799 mist net-hours. Provides abundance ratings and evidence categories for 317 species at 4 sites, with further details for 25 significant species, and a discussion of differences found between sites.
Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & R. J. Dowsett. 2005. The avifauna of the dry evergreen forests of Mali. Malimbus 27: 77 -111. (Le Pouget, 30440 Sumène, France. <dowsett"at">.)—Tackles a long-standing anomaly arising from the publication of an Annotated Checklist of the birds of Mali in 1980-81, based on the work of one observer in the 1970s, mentioning many rain forest species, despite lack of reports of such species by other observers at similar latitudes in neighbouring countries. Describes surveys and avifaunal results in the dry season of 2002 (39 days) and the rainy season of 2004 (30 days) of forest in the areas of the SW where rain forest birds had been reported and gives an annotated list of 122 species noted. None of the claimed rain forest species was found, nor any rain forest. The authors refute the notion that rain forest existed in the country 30 years ago and recommend deleting 68 species from the Mali list.
Lamarche, B. 2005. [Reply to Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett.] Malimbus 27: 112. (217 Rue de Verdun, 29200 Brest, France.)—The author of the Annotated Checklist of birds of Mali, which was criticized in Malimbus 27: 77 -111, argues that the current reported absence in that country of the rain forest birds he claims to have encountered 30 years ago is most likely due to climatic or land-use changes. (French.)
Easton, J., N. Chao, & E. Dimoto. 2005. Nest robbery of West African Thrush Turdus pelios by Pied Hornbill Tockus fasciatus in Gabon. Malimbus 27: 112-113. (WCS Lopé, Lopé NP, Gabon.)—Of nestlings, 16 Jan 2005.
Salewski, V & V. Martignoli. 2005. A ground nest of the Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus in Mauritania. Malimbus 27: 113-1161. (Swiss Ornithological Institute, 6204 Sempach, Switzerland.)—First documented ground nest of this species in flat desert.
Dowsett, R. J. 2005. A supplementary gazetteer for the birds of Ghana. Malimbus 27: 116-119. (Le Pouget, F-30440 Sumène, France <dowsett"at">.)—Of 57 localities, to supplement that in Grimes, L. G. 1987 The Birds of Ghana. Check-list 9, British Ornithologists Union, London.