Mauritania/ |
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Papers, Short Notes, Research Grant Reports and Reviews about birds of Mauritania that have appeared in Malimbus and the Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithologists' Society (Bull NOS)
Remember the reference and click on the link in the Reference column for further information: ROL abstract (papers and notes), authors' summary (papers) or full text (published more than five years ago).
Des articles, notes courtes, rapports des bourses de recherche et critiques concernant les oiseaux de Mauritanie parus dans Malimbus et le Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithologists' Society (Bull NOS)
Souvenez-vous de la référence et cliquez le lien dans la colonne portant des références pour des informations supplémentaires : résumé pour ROL (articles et notes), résumé des auteurs (articles) ou texte intégral(paru il y a plus de cinq ans).
Year/ |
Title and authors/ |
Reference/ |
2018 | Birds in northern Mauritania, including range extensions and breeding evidence by F. Santarém, J.C. Brito, J.M. Pleguezuelos, J. Marques, F. Vieira Sousa | Malimbus 40(2): 37-46 |
2015 | Birds of Western Africa (2nd ed. of Field Guide to the Birds of Western Africa), by Nik Borrow & Ron Demey (2014) by R. Wilkinson | Malimbus 37: 32–33 |
2015 | Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus kills Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea at sea by W.C. Mullié, C.J. Camphuysen & J. Semelin | Malimbus 37: 28–30 |
2015 | The first photographic evidence for Great Skua Stercorarius skua in The Gambia, and the occurrence of large Stercorarius species in West Africa by O.J.L. Fox, C.R. Barlow, J. Badgie & L. Sanyang | Malimbus 37: 16–25 |
2014 | Observations ornithologiques au Sénégal et en Gambie by M.S. Diop, B. Mennesson & J. Rose | Malimbus 36: 117-119 |
2014 | Errata: Lesser Striped Swallow Hirundo abyssinica locality in Mauritania (Malimbus 25: 103-104 & Malimbus 27 19-32) by V. Salewski & D. Peter | Malimbus 36: 61 |
2014 | Miscellaneous records of birds in Togo, including four species new to the country’s list by R.A. Cheke & I. Oliveras | Malimbus 36: 58–60 |
2014 | The Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana wintering in West Africa, and its status as a passage migrant in Mauritania by M. Thoma & M.H.M. Menz | Malimbus 36: 13–31 |
2013 | Observations of two species new to Mauritania and detailed records confirming the presence of two other species by M. Schulz & B.A. Walther | Malimbus 35: 67–70 |
2013 | Confirmation of Greyish Eagle Owl Bubo cinerascens for Mauritania by J. Brouwer, V. Salewski & D. Peter | Malimbus 35: 147–148 |
2011 | Movements of a Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor in West Africa by V. Salewski, B. Childress & M. Wikelski | Malimbus 33: 87–90 |
2007 | Nouvelles données sur la reproduction et l’hivernage des Flamants roses Phoenicopterus roseus en Mauritanie et confirmation d’échanges avec les colonies méditerranéennes par Y. Diawara, A. Arnaud, A. Araujo & A. Béchet | Malimbus 29: 31–41 |
2005 | New bird records from Mauritania by V. Salewski, H. Schmaljohann & M. Herremans | Malimbus 27: 19–32 |
2005 | A ground nest of the Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus in Mauritania by V. Salewski & V. Martignoli | Malimbus 27: 113–116 |
2004 | Zebra Waxbill Amandava subflava, new for Mauritania by V. Salewski | Malimbus 26: 40 |
2003 | New records of Moussier’s Redstart Phoenicurus moussieri and Lesser Striped Swallow Hirundo abyssinica from Mauritania by V. Salewski, R. Altwegg, F. Liechti & D. Peter | Malimbus 25: 103–104 |
2001 | La population ouest-africaine du Flamant nain Phoeniconaias minor: effectifs, répartition et isolement par B. Trolliet & M. Fouquet | Malimbus 23: 87–92 |
1999 | La Spatule blanche Platalea leucorodia hivernant dans le delta du Fleuve Sénégal par P. Triplet & P. Yésou | Malimbus 21: 77–81 |
1997 | Bourses de recherches pour les études au Mauritanie et au Tchad/Resarch grants for studies in Mauritania and Chad | Malimbus 19: 55 |
1997 | Some interesting bird observations in Mauritania and Senegal by K. Bengtsson | Malimbus 19: 96–97 |
1996 | Notes sur la nidification de quatre espèces d’oiseaux en Mauritanie par G. Balança | Malimbus 18: 151–153 |
1995 | Bird observations in Kaédi and Foum Gleïta, southern Mauritania by S.J. Farnsworth | Malimbus 17: 2–6 |
1995 | Review: Coastal Assessment of Parc National du Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania. By A.R.G. Price, A.J. de Grissac & R.F.G. Ormond, 1992 by A. Tye | Malimbus 17: 110–111 |
1994 | Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra in Mauritania and West Africa by S.J. Farnsworth | Malimbus 16: 124–125 |
1993 | On the laying period of the Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus in the delta of the River Senegal by P. Triplet, B. Trolliet, P. Yésou & B. Tréca | Malimbus 15: 94–95 |
1992 | Review: Liste Commentée des Oiseaux de Mauritanie. By B. Lamarche, 1988 by P.W.P. Browne | Malimbus 14: 28 |
1991 | Review: Homeward Bound: Problems Waders Face when Migrating from the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania, to their Northern Breeding Grounds. Ed. by B.J. Ens, T. Piersma, W.J.Wolff & L. Zwarts, 1990 by A. Tye | Malimbus 13: 44–45 |
1991 | Review: Contribution à l’Etude Scientifique de la Région de Banc d’Arguin, 21E20N/19E20N. Peuplements Avifaunistiques. Par E. Mahé, 1985 par G.J. Morel | Malimbus 13: 86 |
1990 | Notable bird observations from Mauritania by P.L. Meininger, P. Duiven, E.C.L. Marteijn & T.M. van Spanje | Malimbus 12: 19–24 |
1985 | Corrigendum Malimbus 6, 49. | Malimbus 7: 156 |
1984 | The birds of Mauritania by J.P. Gee | Malimbus 6: 31–66 |
1982 | Palaearctic birds wintering in southwest Mauritania: species, distributions and population estimates by P.W.P. Browne | Malimbus 4: 69–92, 104 |
1981 | Les Buteo paléarctiques en Mauritanie et au Sénégal par G.J. Morel & P.W.P. Browne | Malimbus 3: 2–6 |
1981 | New bird species in Mauritania by P.W.P. Browne | Malimbus 3: 62–72 |
1970 | Bird distribution on West/Central African great rivers at high water by C.H. Fry | Bull NOS 7: 7-23 |
1965 | Sabine's Gull Xema sabini (Sabine) off West Africa by C.H. Fry | Bull NOS 2: 47-48 |