Malimbus Volume 4, 1982

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Malimbus 4(1) May/mai 1982
O.W.L. Abstracts To purchase a pdf of this complete issue
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Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Papers - Articles  
The moult of some bird species on Mount Cameroon.
R. Eyckerman & D. Cuvelier
Remarques à propos des Buses (Buteo buteo ssp.) observées en Afrique occidentale.
R. de Naurois
Comportement, voix et relations de parente de l'Amaranthe du Mali (Lagonosticta virata).
J. Nicolai
Environmental changes in western Darfur, Sudan, over half a century and their effects on selected bird species.
R.T. Wilson
Note sur l'envahissement du nord du Sénégal par le Moineau doré Passer luteus (Lichtenstein) en période de reproduction.
P.J. Ruelle & R. Semaille
Evaluating the bird repellency of methiocarb.
M. Hamza, B. Ali, I. El Haig, W. Bohl, J. Besser, J. de Grazio & R.L. Bruggers
Blank page 42
Breeding of Black-headed Bee-eaters in Nigeria.
M. Dyer, C.H. Fry & J.A. Hendrick
Short Notes - Notes Courtes  
Additions to local avifaunas: Zaria.
M.E. Gartshore
Destruction of European White Storks in Nigeria by shooting.
C.H. Fry
Bronze Mannikins "flycatching".
A.M. Heaton
Out-of-season courtship by Black-faced Fire-Finch.
A.M. Heaton
The status of Savi's Warbler in Nigeria.
R. Wilkinson & D.J. Aidley
A colour variant of Spreo pulcher at Kano, Nigeria.
R. Wilkinson
Spanish Black Kites in West Africa.
C.H. Fry
Reviews - Revues  
Review: The Birds of Nigeria. By J.H. Elgood, 1982.
M. Dyer
Society Notices - Informations de la Société  
Pélicans bagués - Pelicans ringed 51
Birds and Man: A symposium 51
Coded bibliography of African ornithology 1981 51
Cotisation 51
West African Ornithological Society, Société d'Ornithologie de l'Ouest Africain: Revenue account for the year ended 31 December 1981 52
Subscription renewal 52
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages


Malimbus 4(2) October/octobre 1982
O.W.L. Abstracts To purchase a pdf of this complete issue
Pour acheter une version pdf du numéro complet
Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Papers - Articles  
Seasonal movements of the Pygmy Kingfisher Ceyx picta in West Africa.
R. Wilkinson
53-54, 108
More bird records from the Republic of Togo.
R.A. Cheke
A preliminary checklist of birds in the Kilimi area of northwest Sierra Leone.
D.P. Harding & R.S.O. Harding
Palaearctic birds wintering in southwest Mauritania: species, distributions and population estimates.
P.W.P. Browne
69-92, 104
The birds of Conakry and Kakulima, Democratic Republic of Guinée.
D.K. Richards
Short Notes - Notes Courtes  
Poids des Dendrocygnes fauves Dendrocygna bicolor au Sénégal.
B. Tréca
Ringing in Nigeria in 1981. 24th annual report.
R.E. Sharland
Additions to local avifaunas: Kano State.
R. Wilkinson & D.J. Aidley
Society Notices - Informations de la Société  
Correction: Malimbus 2: 20. 108
New subscription rates 108
Cotisation 1983 108
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages