Malimbus Volume 36, 2014
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Malimbus 36(1) March/mars 2014
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Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 Pages
Papers - Articles
Nestling development and post-juvenile moult of the African Swallow-tailed Kite Chelictinia riocourii
W.C. Mullié, S. Cavaillès, J. Komdeur & R. Buij Summary/Résumé
The Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana wintering in West Africa, and its status as a passage migrant in Mauritania. 
M. Thoma & M.H.M. Menz Summary/Résumé
Some observations of the birds of the Luki Forest, Parc marin des mangroves and Boma, Bas-Congo Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo. 
H.D.S. Ayer, P. Mavuemba, D.O. Matson & M. Bowman Summary/Résumé
Association with riparian fragments by Yellow-breasted Boubou Laniarius atroflavus indicates need for wider-scale forest matrix conservation. 
S.T. Osinubi, Y. Vugeh, J.V. Briskie, U. Ottosson, J.A. Brown & H.M. Chapman Summary/Résumé
Short Notes - Notes Courtes
Miscellaneous records of birds in Togo, including four species new to the country’s list. 
R.A. Cheke & I. Oliveras
Lesser Striped Swallow Hirundo abyssinica locality in Mauritania. 
V. Salewski & D. Peter
Society Notices - Informations de la Société
W.A.O.S. membership changes - Changements à la liste d'adhérents de la S.O.O.A.
T. Dodman, Treasurer and Membership Secretary - Trésorier et chargé des adhérents
W.A.O.S. - S.O.O.A. Revenue Account for the year ended 31 December 2013
T. Dodman, Treasurer - Trésorier
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 Pages


Malimbus 36(2) September/septembre 2014
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Pour acheter une version pdf du numéro complet
Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Editorial: Our 50th Anniversary - 50ème anniversaire! 65-66
Papers - Articles
Raptors in Yankari Game Reserve and surrounding unprotected area, Nigeria.
J.D. Onoja, T. Tende, T.C. Omotoriogun, U. Ottosson, S.A. Manu & G.S. Mwansat Summary/Résumé  
Birds of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture campus, a stronghold of avian diversity in the changing Ibadan area (Nigeria) over the last 50 years.
T.A. Adeyanju, U. Ottosson, T.E. Adeyanju, T.C. Omotoriogun, P. Hall, S.A. Manu, T. Alabi, G.A. Lameed & D. Bown Summary/Résumé
L’avifaune d’un milieu de riziculture et de ses environs dans la zone humide de Grand-Bassam, sud-est Côte d’Ivoire.
G.S.K. Odoukpé, H.K. Yaokokoré-Béibro, M.E. Konan & P.K. Kouadio Résumé/Summary
Short Notes - Notes Courtes
Records of African Pygmy Goose Nettapus auritus and a Halcyon kingfisher on São Tomé. 
B. Hansson & A. Thomasson
Observations ornithologiques au Sénégal et en Gambie. 
M.S. Diop, B. Mennesson & J. Rose
The Parelius bird collection from Ivory Coast at the Field Museum of Natural History, and the first country record of Rufous Cisticola Cisticola rufus
J.I. Engel, D. Parelius & J.M. Bates
News & Comment - Nouvelles & Commentaires
Ornithological services of the Niokolo-Koba National Park guides.
Ibrahima Kouyate, Moussa Séga Diop & John Rose
Society Notices - Informations de la Société
W.A.O.S. membership changes - Changements à la liste d'adhérents de la S.O.O.A.
T. Dodman, Treasurer and Membership Secretary - Trésorier et chargé des adhérents
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages