Bull NOS Volume 13, 1977 | |||
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Bull NOS 13(43) May 1977 | |||
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Page | ||
Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture | 2 pages |
Editorial | 1 |
Bird Migration at Mole National Park, Ghana. P.W. Greig-Smith |
3–14 |
The Birds of Maiduguri. P. Hall |
15–36 |
Birds of the Chad Basin Boreholes. P. Hall |
37–42 |
Birds of Lagos, Nigeria. Pt I. J. Gee and J. Heigham |
43–51 |
Mixed-Species Flocking of Nigerian Forest Birds. P.W. Greig-Smith |
53–56 |
Dry Season Birds at Enugu and Nsukka. S.G. Cowper |
57–63 |
Ringing in Nigeria 1976. 19th annual report. R.E. Sharland |
64–65 |
The Birds of Serti. P. Hall |
66–79 |
Notes: | |
The Egg Colour of Clamator levaillantii (Swainson) in Nigeria. R.E.Sharland and W. Serle |
80 |
The Food Pass Movement in Raptors S.G. Cowper |
80 |
Black Duck Anas sparsa on Mambilla Plateau, First Record for Nigeria. P. Hall |
80–81 |
Thrush-Nightingale Luscinia luscinia New to Nigeria and West Africa. J.R. Best |
81 |
Additions to Local Avifaunas: Yankari A. Demeter |
81 |
Additions to Local Avifaunas: Zaria Michael Dyer |
81–83 |
Notices: | |
SCOPUS | 84 |
Receipts and Payments Account | 84 |
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture | 2 pages |
Top/Haut |
Bull NOS 13(44) October 1977 | |||
To purchase a pdf of this complete issue Pour acheter une version pdf du numéro complet |
Page | ||
Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture | 2 pages |
Editorial | 85 |
Membership List 1977 | 87, 88, 149 |
Breeding Dates of Birds in Mole National Park, Ghana. P. W. Greig-Smith |
89–93 |
Weight Changes of some Guinea Savanna Birds in Ghana. P. W. Greig-Smith and N.C.Davidson |
94–97 |
Additional Notes on Birds in Mid-West Nigeria. Sir Hugo J. Marshall |
98–102 |
Birds of Lagos, Nigeria. Pt II. J. Gee and J. Heigham |
103–132 |
Some Birds in Cameroon. Michael Kavanagh |
133–138 |
Notes on Ciconiiformes at Cape Coast, Ghana. M. A. Macdonald |
139–144 |
Notes: | |
Foods of Some Cameroonian Birds. Michael Kavanagh |
145 |
Harassment of Monkeys by Cameroonian Birds Michael Kavanagh |
145–146 |
Probable Double-brooding by Black Kites in Ghana. M. A. Macdonald |
147 |
Short-billed Dowitcher in Glana. M. A. Macdonald |
148 |
Nests of White-fronted Black Chats. J. N. Huff and J. Auta |
148 |
Photo: Spotted Eagle Owl. C. H. Fry |
150 |
Letters: | |
Letter: Mixed-Species Flocks in Forest. M. A. Macdonald and I. R. Taylor |
151 |
Letter: Mixed-Species Flocks in Forest. P. W. Greig-Smith |
152 |
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture | 2 pages |