Malimbus Volume 11, 1989-1990

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Malimbus 11(1) December/décembre 1989
O.W.L. Abstracts To purchase a pdf of this complete issue
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Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Editorial 1-2
Papers - Articles  
Competition for the nectar of Tecoma stans flowers between Olive Sunbird (Nectarinia olivacea) and insects.
A.I. Akinpelu
L'avifaune de la ville de Ouagadougou et ses environs (Burkina Faso).
Y. Thonnérieux, J.F. Walsh & L. Bortoli
Les oiseaux de la Réserve de la Biosphère "Boucle du Baoulé", Mali.
S. de Bie & N. Morgan
Avifauna of Yankari Reserve, Nigeria: new records & observations.
A.A. Green
Diet and breeding seasonality of the Bronze Mannikin Lonchura cucullata (Swainson) and the Blue-billed Mannikin Lonchura bicolor (Frazer) in western Sierra Leone.
H.S.S. Thompson
Notes on birds observed in Gambia and Senegal in November 1984.
S. Ericsson
Short Notes - Notes Courtes  
Brown-chested Wattled Plover breeding in Nigeria.
R. Wilkinson, R. Beecroft, A.U. Ezealor & R.E. Sharland
Call of White-crested Tiger Heron (Tigriornis leucolophus) attributed to Rufous Fishing Owl (Scotopelia ussheri).
L.D.C. Fishpool, R. van Rompaey & R. Demey
Au Sénégal, un Gonolek de Barbarie (Laniarius barbarus) à dessous jaune apparié à un sujet normal.
B. Ndao
Nesting of the Stone Curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus) in a forest of Canary Pine on the island of El Hierro (Canary Islands). 
M. Nogales, E.C. Hernández & N. Trujillo
Birds of Niger.
R.E. Sharland
Reviews - Revues  
Review: Birds to Watch: the ICBP Check-list of Threatened Birds. By N.J. Collar & P. Andrew.
H.Q.P. Crick
Society Notices - Informations de la Société  
Malawi Rarities Committee 100
West African Ornithological Society Financial Report 1988 100
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages



Malimbus 11(2) April/avril 1990
O.W.L. Abstracts To purchase a pdf of this complete issue
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Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Editorial 101-103
Papers - Articles  
Additions to the avifauna of Nigeria, with notes on distributional changes and breeding.
J.S. Ash
New records of Palaearctic migrants in Gabon.
P. Christy
Notes on some birds of western Cameroon.
D.T. Holyoak & M.B. Seddon
Distributional notes on the birds of Benin.
D.T. Holyoak & M.B. Seddon
A recent survey of the birds of Pagalu (Annobon).
M.J.S. Harrison
Short Notes - Notes Courtes  
First Red Kite record for The Gambia.
J. Geeson & J. Geeson
Note sur la reproduction du Canard casqué (Sarkidiornis melanotos) dans le nord du Sénégal.
B. Tréca & C. Rouchouse
Notes on some birds of the Ivory Coast.
D.T. Holyoak & M.B. Seddon
A Brown Nightjar (Caprimulgus binotatus) nestling from Liberia.
M. Louette
Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) in Senegal.
N. Riddiford
Reviews - Revues  
Review: The Birds of Ghana. By L.G. Grimes, 1987.
J.H. Elgood
Review: Birds of the Eastern Caprivi. By J.H. Koen, 1988.
H.Q.P. Crick
Review: The Birds of Africa, Vol 3. Ed by C.H. Fry, S. Keith & E.K. Urban.
R.A. Cheke
Review: A Preliminary Investigation of Tern Catching in Senegal, Winter 1987/1988. By P.L. Meininger, 1988.
H.Q.P. Crick
Review: The Birds of Liberia. By W. Gatter, 1988.
H.Q.P. Crick
Review: Hawks and Owls of the World: A Distributional and Taxonomic List. By D. Amadon & J. Bull, with the genus Otus by J.T. Marshall & B.F. King, 1988.
R. Wilkinson
Reviews: The Conservation of International Flyway Populations of Waders. Ed. by N.C. Davidson & M.W. Pienkowski, 1987. Results of the IWRB International Waterfowl Census 1967-1986. Compiled by J.-Y. Monval & J.-Y. Pirot, 1989. Flyways and Reserve Networks for Water Birds. Ed. by H. Boyd & J.Y. Pirot, 1989.
A. Tye
Society Notices - Informations de la Société  
8ième Congrès Pan-Africain d'Ornithologie / 8th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Kigali, Rwanda, 1992 158-159
UK Data Protection Act / Loi sur la suavegarde de données au R.U. 160
Collection de peaux d'oiseaux, ORSTOM, Sénégal / Bird skin collection, ORSTOM, Senegal 160
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages