Malimbus Volume 16, 1994

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Malimbus 16(1) June/juin 1994
O.W.L. Abstracts To purchase a pdf of this complete issue
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Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Papers - Articles
Notes on a breeding colony of the African River Martin Pseudochelidon eurystomina in Gabon.
P. Alexander-Marrack
Annotated bird list of Macenta Prefecture, Guinea.
D. Halleux
Oiseaux nouveaux pour la République Centrafricaine ou dont les notifications de ce pays sont peu nombreuses.
M. Germain & J.P. Cornet
Short Notes - Notes Courtes
 Is the Thick-billed Cuckoo Pachycoccyx audeberti a forest dependent species in West Africa?
G.A. Allport & J.R. Fanshawe
A note on the diet of Barn Owls Tyto alba at Djoudj, Senegal.
D.W. Yalden
La sous-espèce du Cochevis modeste Galerida modesta en Sénégambie.
C. Erard & G.J. Morel
First record of Three-banded Plover Charadrius tricollaris in Ivory Coast.
T.T. Cable
Reviews - Revues
Reviews: The Wild Bird Trade. Anon. 1992. Flights to Extinction. The Wild-Caught Bird Trade. By D. Bowles, D. Currey, P. Knights & A. Michels, no date (1992).
A. Tye
Review: Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World. By J.A. Hancock, J.A. Kushlan & M.P. Kahl, 1992.
G.D. Field
Reviews: Enquête Faunistique dans la Forêt du Mayombe et Check-liste des Oiseaux et des Mammifères du Congo. By F. Dowsett-Lemaire & R.J. Dowsett, 1989. Flore et Faune du Bassin du Kouilou (Congo) et leur Exploitation. Ed. by R.J. Dowsett & F. Dowsett-Lemaire, 1991.
P. Alexander-Marrack
Review: A Directory of African Wetlands. By R.H. & J.S. Hughes, 1992.
A. Tye & H. Tye
Reviews: Checklist of Birds of the Afrotropical and Malagasy Regions. Volume 1. Species limits and distributions. By R.J. Dowsett & A.D. Forbes-Watson, 1993. A Contribution to the Distribution and Taxonomy of Afrotropical and Malagasy Birds. Ed. by R.J. Dowsett & F. Dowsett-Lemaire, 1993.
A. Tye
News & Letters - Nouvelles et Lettres
Letter: Ornithological Societies in The Gambia.
D. Murray & B. Snow
African Bird Club 67-68
Society Notices - Informations de la Société
Editor's Report for 1993 - Rapport du Rédacteur pour 1993.
A. Tye
West African Ornithological Society. Revenue Account for the year ended 31 December 1993 and Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1993.
R.E. Sharland 
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages


Malimbus 16(2) November/novembre 1994
O.W.L. Abstracts To purchase a pdf of this complete issue
Pour acheter une version pdf du numéro complet
Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Papers - Articles
Bird records from Liberia.
M.E.J. Gore
Moult and weight cycles in two species of Lonchura in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
A.I. Akinpelu
Breeding seasons of three estrildid species in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
A.I. Akinpelu
The birds of Yapo Forest, Ivory Coast.
R. Demey & L.D.C. Fishpool
Short Notes - Notes Courtes
Des pythons mangeurs de canards.
B. Tréca
Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra in Mauritania and West Africa.
S.J. Farnsworth
CorrigendaMalimbus 16: 30-51. 125
Reviews - Revues
Review: Cormorants, Darters and Pelicans of the World. By P.A. Johnsgard, 1993.
A. Tye
Review: The Birds of CITES and How to Identify Them. By J. Erritzøe, 1993.
H. Tye
Review: Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 1. Ostrich to ducks. Ed. by J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott and J. Sargatal, 1992.
A. Tye
News & Letters - Nouvelles et Lettres
Request for information on pittas - Demande d'informations sur les brèves. 130
Letter: Request for bird observations from Niger - Lettre: Demande d'informations sur les oiseaux du Niger.
J. Brouwer & W. Mullié
Letter: Ornithological society and bird records in Plateau State, Nigeria.
M. Hopkins
New Journal: Advances in Raptor Studies. 133
Letter: Funds for conservation projects.
M.K. Poulsen
Society Notices - Informations de la Société
Third Biennial Meeting of the Society.
A. Moore
Minutes of the General Meeting of the West African Ornithological Society held at 15.15 h. on Saturday 7 May 1994 at the Olde Brugge Hotel, Kampen, The Netherlands.
A. Moore
Troisième Assemblée Bisannuelle de la Société.
A. Moore
Compte rendu de l'Assemblée Générale de la Société d'Ornithologie de l'Oueste Africain tenue le samedi 7 mai 1994 à 15.15 h au Olde Brugge Hotel, à Kampen, Pays-Bas.
A. Moore
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages