Malimbus Volume 18, 1996

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Malimbus 18(1) May/mai 1996
O.W.L. Abstracts To purchase a pdf of this complete issue
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Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Papers - Articles
New information on birds in Ghana, April 1991 to October 1993.
T. Helsens
Birds observed in Guinea-Bissau, January 1986, with a review of current ornithological knowledge of the country.
C.J. Hazevoet
Notes on the distribution and abundance of birds observed in Guinea-Bissau, 21 February to 3 April 1992.
S.P. Rodwell
Observations sur la reproduction et les déplacements du Rollier d'Abyssinie Coracias abyssinica, du Rollier varié C. naevia et du Rolle africain Eurystomus glaucurus, au nord du Burkina Faso.
G. Balança & M.-N. de Visscher
Short Notes - Notes Courtes
Yellow-billed Egret Egretta intermedia on the coast of Cameroon.
I. Martínez, V.A. Elliott & G.D. Field
Historical records of birds from the Republic of Benin.
R.A. Cheke
Reviews - Revues
Review: Where to Watch Birds in Africa. By N. Wheatley, 1995.
A. Tye
Reviews: Les Oiseaux de l'Archipel du Cap Vert / As Aves do Arquipélago de Cabo Verde. By R. de Naurois, 1994 and The Birds of the Cape Verde Islands. By C.J. Hazevoet (no date)
W.R.P. Bourne
Review: Les Oiseaux des Iles du Golfe de Guinée / As Aves das Ilhas do Golfo da Guiné. By R. de Naurois, 1994
P.J. Jones & A. Tye
Review: Woodpeckers. A guide to the woodpeckers, piculets and wrynecks of the world. By H. Winkler, D.A. Christie & D. Nurney, 1995.
A. Tye
News & Letters - Nouvelles et Lettres
Letter: Request for information on Little Terns off West Africa.
D.T. Parkin
Society Notices - Informations de la Société
Editor's Report for 1994-95 - Rapport du Rédacteur pour 1994-95.
A. Tye  
W.A.O.S. Research Grant No. 2 - Bourse de Recherche de la S.O.O.A. no. 2 70
WAOS Research Grant Report: The vanishing Grey Parrots of Cameroon: conservation prospects.
A.S. Tamungang
Auditor required 71
Photograph errata 71
 West African Ornithological Society. Revenue Account for the year ended 31 December 1995 and Balance Sheet as at 31 December 1995.
R.E. Sharland
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages


Malimbus 18(2) September/septembre 1996
O.W.L. Abstracts To purchase a pdf of this complete issue
Pour acheter une version pdf du numéro complet
Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Editorial 73
Papers - Articles
An annotated check-list of birds occurring at the Parc National des Oiseaux du Djoudj in Senegal, 1984-1994.  
S.P. Rodwell, A. Sauvage, S.J.R. Rumsey & A. Bräunlich
More bird records from Rio del Rey estuary, Cameroon.
A.A. Green
New bird records from Korup National Park and environs, Cameroon.
A.A. Green & P.G. Rodewald
Cooperative breeding in captive Emerald Starlings Coccycolius iris.
R. Wilkinson
Quelques observations ornithologiques dans la région de Garoua, Cameroun.
O. Girard & J. Thal
Short Notes - Notes Courtes
Concentration saisonnière d'oiseaux aquatiques au lac Kivoro, sud-ouest du Gabon.
A. Greth
Notes sur la nidification de quatre espèces d'oiseaux en Mauritanie.
G. Balança
Observations of two Cuculus species fed by forest hosts in the Congo.
F. Dowsett-Lemaire
Notes on the birds of the coastal and Kindia areas, Guinea. Malimbus 17: 85-99.
Reviews - Revues
Review: Forest Protection in Ghana. By W.D. Hawthorne & M. Abu-Juam, 1995
A. Tye
Review: Sahel-Sahel. A controversial vision. By R. Denève, 1995.
J. Brouwer 
Review: Forest Birds in Côte d'Ivoire. By M.E. Gartshore, P.D. Taylor & I.S. Francis, 1995.
A. Tye  
Review: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan 1995-1999 Partridges, Quails, Francolins, Snowcocks and Guineafowl. Compiled by P.J.K. McGowan, S.D. Dowell, J.P. Carroll & N.J. Aebischer, 1995.
A. Tye
Review: Gestion des Ressources Côtières et Littorales du Sénégal. Ed sous la direction de A.T. Diaw, 1993.
M.-Y. & G.J. Morel 
News & Letters - Nouvelles et Lettres
Letter: BP Conservation Programme Awards.
K. Gotto
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages