The Gambia/ |
Papers, Short Notes, Research Grant Reports and Reviews about birds of the Gambia that have appeared in Malimbusand the Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithologists' Society (Bull NOS)
Remember the reference and click on the link in the Reference column for further information: ROL abstract (papers and notes), authors' summary (papers) or full text (published more than five years ago).
Des articles, notes courtes, rapports des bourses de recherche et critiques concernant les oiseaux de Gambie parus dans Malimbus et le Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithologists' Society (Bull NOS)
Souvenez-vous de la référence et cliquez le lien dans la colonne portant des références pour des informations supplémentaires : résumé pour ROL (articles et notes), résumé des auteurs (articles) ou texte intégral(paru il y a plus de cinq ans).
Year/ |
Title and authors/ |
Reference/ |
2017 | First proof of Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus in The Gambia, May 2012 by C.R. Barlow | Malimbus 39(2): 56–58 |
2016 | High population density of the Critically Endangered Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus in Western Region, The Gambia, confirmed by road surveys in 2013 and 2015 by M. Jallow, C.R. Barlow, L. Sanyang, L. Dibba, C. Kendall, M. Bechard & K.L. Bildstein | Malimbus 38: 23–28 |
2016 | Observations ornithologiques au Sénégal by J. Rose, A. Virondeau, J.-F. Magne, M.S. Diop, J.C.E.W. Hooijmeijer & C.R. Barlow | Malimbus 38: 15–22 |
2016 | Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in Fajara, coastal area of The Gambia, between 1978 and 1981 by M. Smalley | Malimbus 38: 10–14 |
2015 | Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus kills Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea at sea by W.C. Mullié, C.J. Camphuysen & J. Semelin | Malimbus 37: 28–30 |
2015 | The first photographic evidence for Great Skua Stercorarius skua in The Gambia, and the occurrence of large Stercorarius species in West Africa by O.J.L. Fox, C.R. Barlow, J. Badgie & L. Sanyang | Malimbus 37: 16–25 |
2014 | Observations ornithologiques au Sénégal et en Gambie by M.S. Diop, B. Mennesson & J. Rose | Malimbus 36: 117-119 |
2014 | The Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana wintering in West Africa, and its status as a passage migrant in Mauritania by M. Thoma & M.H.M. Menz | Malimbus 36: 13–31 |
2013 | Road counts of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus over seven months in and around Banjul, coastal Gambia, in 2005 by C. Barlow & T. Fulford | Malimbus 35: 50–56 |
2012 | Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope, a new species for The Gambia by A. de Baerdemaeker, S.D. Elzerman, N. Venema & M. Colley | Malimbus 34: 120–122 |
2011 | A record of Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis in The Gambia in 1989 constitutes an addition to the national list by C.R. Barlow & T. Dodman | Malimbus 33: 55–57 |
2009 | Errata: Bird diversity in the Nyassang Forest Park, The Gambia (Malimbus 28: 134-142) | Malimbus 31: 61 |
2007 | Bird diversity in Nyassang Forest Park, The Gambia (Malimbus 28: 134-142): corrections and further information by S. Ballantyne | Malimbus 29: 45-46 |
2006 | Bird diversity in Nyassang Forest Park, The Gambia by S. Ballantyne | Malimbus 28: 134–142 |
2003 | Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla, new to The Gambia, with notes on seven other species by J.M.B. King | Malimbus 25: 59–61 |
2003 | Franklin’s Gull Larus pipixcan in The Gambia by L. van Welie | Malimbus 25: 97–99 |
2001 | La population ouest-africaine du Flamant nain Phoeniconaias minor: effectifs, répartition et isolement par B. Trolliet & M. Fouquet | Malimbus 23: 87–92 |
2000 | Adamawa Turtle Dove Streptopelia hypopyrrha in The Gambia, with comparison of its calls in The Gambia and Nigeria by R.B. Payne, C.R. Barlow & T. Wacher | Malimbus 22: 37–40 |
2000 | Noteworthy records from Ginal Island, The Gambia by M. King | Malimbus 22: 77–85 |
1999 | Réaction du Petit Cossyphe à tête blanche Cossypha niveicapilla au cri d’alarme de l’Ecureuil de Gambie Heliosciurus gambianus par B. Ndao | Malimbus 21: 113–114 |
1998 | Review: A Field Guide to the Birds of The Gambia and Senegal. Par C. Barlow, T. Wacher & T. Disley, 1997 par M. Germain | Malimbus 20: 61 |
1997 | Red-crested Bustard Eupodotis ruficrista and Adamawa Turtle Dove Streptopelia hypopyrrha, new to The Gambia, and sightings of Great Snipe Gallinago media by N. Borrow | Malimbus 19: 36–38 |
1997 | Observation of Savile's Bustard Eupodotis savilei in The Gambia by R.B. Payne, L.L. Payne & C.R. Barlow | Malimbus 19: 97–99 |
1995 | Review: A Birdwatchers’ Guide to the Gambia. By R. Ward, 1994 by A. Moore | Malimbus 17: 111–112 |
1994 | La sous-espèce du Cochevis modeste Galerida modesta en Sénégambie par C. Erard & G.J. Morel | Malimbus 16: 56–57 |
1994 | Letter: Ornithological Societies in The Gambia by D. Murray & B. Snow | Malimbus 16: 67 |
1993 | Some new observations of forest birds in The Gambia by T. Wacher | Malimbus 15: 24–37 |
1992 | European Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris in the Gambia by R.M. Jones | Malimbus 14: 21–23 |
1991 | The status of larks in The Gambia, including first records of Sun Lark Galerida modesta by R.M. Jones | Malimbus 13: 67–73 |
1991 | Reviews: Les Oiseaux de Sénégambie. By G.J. Morel & M.-Y. Morel, 1990 and Birds of the Gambia, 2nd (Revised) Edition. By M.E.J. Gore, 1990 by A. Moore | Malimbus 13: 81–83 |
1990 | First Red Kite record for The Gambia by J. Geeson & J. Geeson | Malimbus 11: 144 |
1989 | Notes on birds observed in Gambia and Senegal in November 1984 by S. Ericsson | Malimbus 11: 88–94 |
1987 | Records of Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis in The Gambia by J.V. Jensen & J. Kirkeby | Malimbus 9: 123–124 |
1987 | Gore replies by M.E.J. Gore | Malimbus 9: 124 |
1984 | Levaillant’s Cuckoo Clamator levaillantii fed by Brown Babblers Turdoides plebejus by A. Moore | Malimbus 6: 94–95 |
1983 | Données nouvelles sur Monticola solitaria et Monticola saxatilis en Sénégambie par G.J. Morel, C. Monnet & C. Rouchouse | Malimbus 5: 1–4 |
1983 | The Marsh Owl Asio capensis: a wet season migrant to The Gambia by M.E. Smalley | Malimbus 5: 31–33 |
1983 | Abyssinian Rollers Coracias abyssinica and European Rollers C. garrulus in The Gambia by M.E. Smalley | Malimbus 5: 34–36 |
1983 | On nesting of the Lavender Fire-Finch by A. Moore | Malimbus 5: 56 |
1980 | Millions of Turtle-Doves by M.E.J. Gore | Malimbus 2: 78 |
1980 | Some observations on a brood of Grey Woodpeckers in The Gambia by A. Moore | Malimbus 2: 159 |
1979 | La Tourterelle des bois dans l’extrème Ouest-africain par G.J. Morel & M.-Y. Morel | Malimbus 1: 66–67 |
1979 | Dowitcher in The Gambia by M.E. Smalley | Malimbus 1: 68–69 |
1979 | Cattle Egrets feeding on flies attracted to mangoes by M.E. Smalley | Malimbus 1: 114–117 |
1975 | Notice: Checklist of the Birds of Gambia | Bull NOS 11: 44 |
1974 | Notice: Gambian Ornithologists' Society | Bull NOS 10: 44 |
1969 | Notes on some Palaearctic migrants in The Gambia, Spring 1969 by J.O. Andrew | Bull NOS 6: 94-98 |
1965 | Bird observations on a Liverpool-Lagos voyage by J. Hopson, A.J. Hopson, G. Johnson & J.A. Button | Bull NOS 2: 49-51 |