Malimbus Volume 37, 2015
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Malimbus 37(1) March/mars 2015
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Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Papers - Articles
A preliminary study of bird use of fig Ficus species in Amurum Forest Reserve, Nigeria. 
B.H. Daru, K. Yessoufou, C. Nuttman & J. Abalaka Summary/Résumé  
The first photographic evidence for Great Skua Stercorarius skua in The Gambia, and the occurrence of large Stercorarius species in West Africa. 
O.J.L. Fox, C.R. Barlow, J. Badgie & L. Sanyang Summary/Résumé  
Short Notes - Notes Courtes
Clarification: Black-bellied Seedcracker Pyrenestes ostrinus specimens from the Ivory Coast include males. 
J.I. Engel, D. Parelius & J.M. Bates
Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus kills Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea at sea. 
W.C. Mullié, C.J. Camphuysen & J. Semelin
Quail-plover Ortyxelos meiffrenii and Little Crake Porzana parva in Burkina Faso. 
R.J. Dowsett
Reviews - Revues
Birds of Western Africa (2nd ed. of Field Guide to the Birds of Western Africa), by Nik Borrow & Ron Demey (2014). 
R. Wilkinson
The Birds of Ghana, by F. Dowsett-Lemaire & R.J. Dowsett (2014). 
L. H. Holbech
Society Notices - Informations de la Société
Editor's Report for the years 2012-2014 - Rapport du Rédacteur en chef pour la période 2012-2014. 
A. Tye
W.A.O.S. membership changes - Changements à la liste d'adhérents de la S.O.O.A. 
T. Dodman
W.A.O.S. - S.O.O.A. Revenue Account for the year ended 31 December 2014
T. Dodman, Treasurer - Trésorier
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages


Malimbus 37(2) September/septembre 2015
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Pour acheter une version pdf du numéro complet
Front cover - 1ère et 2ème de couverture 2 pages
Papers - Articles
Ethno-ornithological knowledge and uses of birds in Omi-aro and Labaka villages, Kwara State, Nigeria.
W.S. Weliange, R.A. Kolawole, N.S. Prasannajith, A.S. Afolabi & E.C. Amaechi Summary/Résumé
Seasonal variation in the breeding ecology of three cooperatively breeding bird species on the University of Ghana Campus, Legon.
L.H. Holbech, M.K. Acheampong, K. Amponsah-Mensah & F. Gbogbo Summary/Résumé
Short Notes - Notes Courtes
First and second records of African Pygmy Goose Nettapus auritus on São Tomé. 
P. Roberts, R. Demey, B. Hansson & A. Tye
News and Comment — Nouvelles et Commentaires
African vultures declining at a critical rate.
J. M. Thiollay
West African Bird Database (WABDaB) new countries and new logo; and new records wanted
J. Brouwer & U. Lieden
Society Notices - Informations de la Société
The webmaster would like to retire!/Le webmestre souhaiterait être remplacé!
P. Browne
Back cover - 3ème et 4ème de couverture 2 pages