MALIMBUS 40(1) March 2018
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Malimbus 40(1) March/mars 2018
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Editorial: Taxonomy to be used in Malimbus 1-2
First record of successful breeding of the Ibadan Malimbe            
Malimbus ibadanensis.         

A.G. Awoyemi, A. Ajayi, T.A. Adeyanju, J.O. Orimaye, O. Olubodun &          
A. Agbo-Adediran - Summary/Résumé
Great Shearwater Ardenna gravis mass mortality in The Gambia in            
June 2011, recent observations from Senegal, and evidence for     
migration patterns.              

C.R. Barlow, B. Piot & O.J.L. Fox - Summary/Résumé

Short Notes — Notes Courtes

Range extension and breeding of the Northern Red-headed Weaver 
Anaplectes leuconotus in southwest Nigeria.    

A.G. Awoyemi, B. Agboola & B. Olajuyigbe
Some recent records of note from Ghana.        
J. Branscombe, M. Schott & J. Ntakor
New records of Fulvous Whistling Duck Dendrocygna bicolor in   
southern Cameroon.            

T. Awa II, N.G. Luchuo & S.A. Tamungang
Society Notices — Informations de la Société 28-36
MALIMBUS 40(2) November 2018
Full text will be available free in 2023
Le texte intégrale sera disponible en 2023
Malimbus 40(2) November/novembre 2018
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Pour acheter une version pdf du numéro complet

Contents — Table des Matières

Birds in northern Mauritania, including range extensions and breeding evidence.              
F. Santarém, J.C. Brito, J.M. Pleguezuelos, J. Marques, F. Vieira Sousa,
O. Peyre, P. Geniez & P.-A. Crochet - Summary/Résumé
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis now a breeding resident in
The Gambia, with an expanded breeding range in Senegal.
              C.R. Barlow, B. Piot & B. Bargain - Summary/Résumé
A major count of the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus
in Senegal in November 2017, with notes on its history and
current status in Senegal and The Gambia.
              G. Caucanas, B. Piot. C.R. Barlow & W.L. Phipps - Summary/Résumé

Short Notes — Notes Courtes

First record of Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis for Senegal.           
B. Piot

African Finfoot Podica senegalensis feeding on the back of            
a Hippopotamus.  

A. Zapun, P. Albrecht, A. Barbalat, M. Bueno, G. Dändliker,             
C. Huber, C. Pochelon, C. Schönbächler, A. Lo & B. Piot
Distribution and confirmation of residency of Oriole Warbler      
Hypergerus atriceps in Liberia.           

B. Freeman
Corrigendum 74
News & Comment — Nouvelles & Commentaires 75-76
Society Notices — Informations de la Société 76